December 23, 1997, Darien & Serena's Crystal Clear Destiny
(Page) opened its doors. The site started out rather small,
but in a short span of time, it began to sprawl, reaching 36MB by
the Summer of 2001. Now, because a major cut back in my
allotted space, I have been forced to make some hard
choices. With a heavy heart, I must inform you that this
site will focus solely on the relationship between Darien and
Serena. Therefore, the profiles and images of the Outer and
Inner Senshi have been removed. All Real Player ® and MP3
files have also been removed from the site. However, not all
is lost; the Archive will remain active as long as I continue
receive submissions, which has been zip, zero, zilch since summer
vacation. I hope that you enjoy the new look around here and
please feel free to browse around.